Dandelion Childcare of Concord, NC

Family friendly daycare located in Concord, NC


Concord, North Carolina

Certified Caregivers

Caregivers at Dandelion are trained and certified in CPR, and first-aid, as well as licensed and registered with the state of North Carolina.

Dandy Adventures

Kids at Dandelion are immersed in a busy, fun and nurturing schedule of arts, crafts, music, learning and outdoor play. Active children are healthy, and ready go home happy!

Nutritious Meals

Two nutritional meals and a healthy snack is included with all contracted childcare programs. If your child has special dietary needs, we'll be happy to accommodate them.

Pricing & Contracts

We offer reliable daycare to afford you peace of mind and fair prices, with value in knowing your children are nurtured in a friendly and safe environment. Our clients are like family!